We have set the dates and times for your child’s visit to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Primary School (OLSH), as part of the Transition program. These are as follows:
Wednesday 25th October: 9.00 – 11.30am (Play lunch will be required)
Wednesday 9th November: 9.00 – 1.30pm (Play lunch & lunch will be required)
*Wednesday 22nd November: 9.00 – 3.25pm (Play lunch & lunch will be required)
Monday 4th December: 9.00 – 3.25pm (Play lunch & lunch will be required)
Tuesday 5th December: 9.00 – 3.25pm (Play lunch & lunch will be required)
*We are also planning to have a Prep Tea on the evening of Wednesday, November 22nd. More information about this will be sent out at a later date.
Transition days aim to assist your child with their introduction into primary school life and to help them to feel at ease when school begins next year. By visiting us at the above times, we hope all children will settle more readily into the routines of school.
These transition sessions may clash with your child’s kindergarten timetable. You may choose to send your child to Kinder or to OLSH on these days. Please note that this is our school’s own Transition Program and not a Merbein or other Pre-School Program. While we strongly encourage attendance at these sessions, there is no expectation that your child must attend.
Children do not need to be in their OLSH school uniform on these days, but are welcome to wear the uniform or parts of it if they have one. All children will require a hat to wear as we have a ‘No hat, no play’ policy. Playlunch and lunch have been indicated on the days where the sessions incorporate these breaks.
We ask that you download the Skoolbag App Merbein as you will soon begin to receive the weekly newsletter, which will provide you with information and an idea about how the school operates from week to week.
If you have any queries regarding this Transition Program, or any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the office.